
Excursion to the Ice core archive of the Centre for Ice and Climate – Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen

The excursion is fully booked

A visit of the Ice core archive of the Centre for Ice and Climate - Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen will take place on Thursday, 12 September 2019. Please find further information on the Ice core archive at the website of the Centre for Ice and Climate.

Day and time: Thursday, 12 September 2019, 13:30–approximately 16:15 (including travel time)

  • 13:30 Buses leave DTU Lyngby
  • 14:00 Buses arrives at ice core facility
  • Short introduction by Jørgen Peder Steffensen, until around 14:30
  • 14:30–15:30 Tour at the facility
  • 15:45 Buses leave.

Costs and registration: The registration fee of €15 covers the bus transfer to/from the ice core archive/conference venue. Due to logistics and access restrictions, self arranged travel is not possible. Please register via the online registration form.

Registration deadline: 15 August 2019

Max number of participants: 100; first come – first serve basis. The minimum number of participants is 10; so the excursion may be cancelled in case of low interest and registration numbers.

Buses leave from: Entrance A of building 101, DTU Lyngby, Anker Engelundsvej 1.

Visit to the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI)

Registration will be possible on-site at the information and registration desk.

Date & time: Tuesday and Wednesday, Meeting at 16:00. A member of the Danish Meteorological Society will wait and accompany the group to the DMI. The tour will last from 17:00 to 19:00.

Location & costs: Participants will meet in the registration area of the conference venue and will be guided to the DMI. The tour is free of charge, but a valid public transportation ticket is required.

DMI is the Danish national weather service. As such DMI is responsible for meteorological observations, forecasting and warnings for civilians, aviation, ship traffic, the military, roads, chemical and nuclear releases, and the sea. For the sea, accurate forecasts of storm surges from the North Sea and the Baltic Sea are particularly important for the narrow fjords and belts of Denmark. For ship traffic, the ice service that monitors the ice conditions around Greenland is a particular focus. In recent decades regional climate modelling has become an ever increasing focus, with an emphasis on high-resolution climate modelling for Denmark and Greenland.

Bicycle tour through Copenhagen

Eigil Kaas from the Niels Bohr Institute, Univ. of Copenhagen, is offering a guided tour through the historical parts of Copenhagen.

You will enjoy various pieces of art and buildings including the Royal Opera, Christiansborg (the parliament) and the Royal Palace. If time permits we will also visit parts of the “experimental city” Christiana. There will furthermore be time to discuss the traffic policy in Copenhagen (as you will learn the amount of bikes on the bike-lanes is substantial).

Date & time: Wednesday, 14:00–17:00

Costs: The cost is 90 DKK for renting the bike. You can also rent a helmet onsite for 40 DKK (helmet is not required, though).

Location: We meet at Copenhagen Bicycles, Nyhavn 44, 1051 Copenhagen K

Registration: Registration is closed.

Running tours

Go! Running Tours Copenhagen offers private guided running tours in Copenhagen. Participants of the EMS Annual Meeting 2019 will receive a 10% discount for all regular tours. The discount code will be published in due time.

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